Blessings in Christ

New friend, Sheri Harris

Several years ago, Cindy Colley presented a Bible study method called “Soul Survivor’s Guide” to the ladies at PTP.  What I appreciate about it is the fact that it begins with the blessings found in Christ, and that creates a desire for someone to want to be IN Christ.  The study covers about 10 specific blessings mentioned in Scripture that are only for those who are in Christ.  I always point out that it’s by no means an exhaustive list.  Further study would reveal even more blessings!  One of the blessings I cherish the most is meaningful relationships.

Does God understand our need for support and companionship?  Oh yes!  There are over 50 “one another” passages in the New Testament.  (I have a list, if you’re interested).  God shows us how to love, respect, and forgive one another.  He encourages us to give preference to one another.  What a contrast to the shallow, self-seeking relationships found in the world!

Churches that place an emphasis on fellowship are loving and united.  Christians that make the effort to take advantage of those opportunities for fellowship are strengthened  by the support found in a unique bond.   We’re tied together by the precious blood of Christ, and that’s a relationship that can’t be found anywhere else.

In addition to the constant joy found by being with your local church family, you can find that same level of closeness with Christians you meet all over the world.  You can run into old friends (like the picture below, taken at PTP), and it doesn’t matter that you’ve been separated by time and distance.  You can quickly make new friends (like the picture above, also taken at PTP), and it feels as if you’ve known each other for years.  You can even travel to foreign countries and fellowship with brothers & sisters in Christ, and it feels as if there’s no language barrier at all.

How can we keep this unique blessing to ourselves?  Those in the world are CRAVING meaningful relationships, which is evident by the number of social networks, dating services, bars and clubs.  Last weekend, Tami Roberts spoke at Bear Valley’s ladies’ retreat.  She talked about the fact that God created in us a natural appreciation for beauty.  She said when we act as we should in the Lord’s church, it’s a very beautiful thing.  If we’re loving, honoring, respecting each other as God commanded, the world will be drawn by that beauty and come knocking at our door!

Prayer for Today:  May I nurture and protect those meaningful relationships found in Christ, and may I look for opportunities to share that blessing with others.

With sweet sisters, Mary Parrish, Rose Crayton, & Cheri Deaver


Listening to Dan Winkler

PTP stands for “Polishing the Pulpit,” but could very easily stand for “Power to Persevere!”  Over 2,300 Christians spent a week together in the most spiritually uplifting environment imaginable (this year there will be at least a thousand more).  If you’ve never been to PTP, here are some highlights to interest you in making plans to attend next year:

-SPIRITUAL GROWTH- There are literally a dozen or more classes offered every hour, covering a wide variety of topics and texts.  Speakers from all over the country presented lessons that boosted our faith and reignited our desire to make a difference for Christ!

-NOURISHING FELLOWSHIP- Oh boy.  Thinking about the nature of God’s family, and the close bond we enjoy when thousands of us get together, warms my heart and strengthens my soul.  We caught up with old friends and made new ones.  Our 3 sons enjoyed hanging out with a large number of  like-minded teens.  There were many moments of giving & receiving encouragement, and many moments of refreshing laughter.

-POWER IN NUMBERS- Nearly every time we left the event center, someone in town would notice our tags and say, “Are you with that large church group?”  We had many conversations with strangers about the conference and about the Lord’s church.  It was fun, and it was easy, because there were so many of us.  It made us want to bring that same “visibility” back to our home town.  It made us more determined to create opportunities to tell others about the Lord’s church.

-A TASTE OF HEAVEN- I’ve always loved singing with the saints.  It’s special and meaningful.  Singing with thousands of saints is a downright goose bump-giver.  How beautiful were songs like “It is Well with My Soul” and “Holy, Holy, Holy!”  I heard many folks state my own feelings…”Imagine what it must be like in Heaven!”

My family is very grateful to all who put in countless hours of planning and work to make PTP happen.  Our cups our full and our hearts are thankful.

Prayer for Today:  Thank you, Lord, for the time of concentrated study and fellowship I’ve enjoyed.  May I carry these feelings of renewal and determination “into all the world.”