Revive Me, Week 13- Be a Greeter

Revive Me, Week 13– A Year of Growing Stronger in the Lord

Be a Greeter

When you think of your home congregation, what are some words you would use to describe it?

active, warm, loving, sincere, giving, evangelistic


cold, dead, apathetic, stuck in a rut, cliquish


Part of how your home congregation can be described is directly related to your role in that same congregation.  If you are consistently warm and friendly, the congregation is warm and friendly because you help make up the church.  If you keep to yourself or just go through the motions, the congregation does, too, because you help make up the church!

You definitely have an effect on the Lord’s church.  How the church is seen in your community depends on what you do or don’t do every time you meet with the saints.  God can use your efforts to grow His kingdom!

One easy way to make sure you’re doing your part to make the church warm and loving is to be a greeter.  Smile and speak to all who come.  Have you ever visited a congregation and left shaking your head because no one spoke to you?  That should never be said of the Lord’s church!

“Greet one another with a holy kiss. All the churches of Christ greet you” (Rom. 16:16).

“If you greet only your brothers, what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same?” (Matt. 5:47).

“Greet” appears 59 times in the New Testament.  It means “to welcome” and also means “to respect; to be happy about; to embrace.”  What an impact we could make if we greeted EVERYONE who comes into the assemblies in that way, visitors and members alike!

“The way we behave toward people indicates what we really believe about God.”  –Unknown

Suggestions for the Week:

  1.  If you have a church directory, go through it and see if there some names you’re not as familiar with.  Jot them down and make a point to have a real conversation with them the next time you see them.
  2. Don’t spend all of your “fellowshipping time” with your familiar friends.  Step out of your comfort zone and use that time instead to grow in your relationships with others.  Look for those who might be overlooked or neglected.
  3.  Spend time in the foyer before and after worship looking for visitors.  Greet them warmly.
  4.  If you struggle with remembering names, don’t hesitate to ask again, write it down, or do whatever it takes to help you.  Calling someone by name the next time you see them makes them feel special.
  5.  Encourage your children to be greeters.  Ask them to go up and talk to three others before they run off to play with their friends.  You can assign different ones each week (senior citizens; teachers; elders; teens, people they don’t know, etc.).
  6. Make a point to speak kindly (sincerely so) to those who are prickly.  You might even surprise them with a hug.  Who knows?  You may be the one who softens them up!
  7. Create a culture of warmth by asking a different person each week to join you in greeting others.




Revive Me, Week 12– Count Your BLESSONS

Revive Me, Week 12–A Year of Growing Stronger in the Lord


Karen Salmansohn came up with the word “blesson.”  She said it means “when you’re able to see the blessing in the lesson that your trial taught you.”  I love this reminder of a very biblical concept!

Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.

(James 1:2-4)

We serve such an amazing God!  It’s all too easy to count our problems, to wring our hands over trials and disappointments.  First of all, they do exist.  Christians aren’t exempt from experiencing hardships (John 16:33; Psa. 34:17,18).  As long as we’re in this world, we may barely get through one difficulty only to encounter another.  Second, it’s also all too easy to count our burdens because nearly everyone does it.  What’s covered in the nightly news?  What’s trending on social media?  Typically it includes what’s wrong with the world.  And yet, again I say, we serve an amazing God!  While we are surrounded by “trials dark on every hand,” God wants us to KNOW that they are temporary (2 Cor. 4:18), that He will not forsake us (Heb. 13:5), and that good can come from suffering (see several passages listed below).

Jesus lived a perfect life and was the Son of God yet “He learned obedience from the things which He suffered. And having been made perfect, He became to all those who obey Him the source of eternal salvation” (Heb. 5:8,9).

The world points to suffering as proof of an indifferent God or a nonexistent one but Christians know better.  We trust God because we know He loves us, refines us, and works for our ultimate good (Rom. 8:28).  Please remember that, dear reader.  No matter what life throws at you, you can smile anyway because your Creator holds you in His care.

Suggestions for the Week:

  1.  Go ahead and list your problems but then list how you can grow from them.  Do you need refining in attitude or character?  Do you need to increase your faith or trust?  Have you been relying more on yourself instead of God?
  2. Read through 1 Peter, paying close attention to what you can learn about suffering as a Christian.
  3. For personal Bible study or family devotional time, list the spiritual good that can come from suffering or the hope God offers:
    1. 1 Pet. 5:10
    2. James 1:2-8, 12
    3. Rom. 5:2-5
    4. Rom. 8:18
    5. 1 Pet. 1:7
    6. 2 Cor. 5:1
    7. Heb. 12:7-11
    8. 2 Tim. 2:12
    9. Psa. 119:67
    10. 2 Cor. 1:3-5
  4. Bible-mark “Why Good People Suffer”



Revive Me, Week 11– Read the Bible Through

Revive Me, Week 11– A Year of Growing Stronger in the Lord

Read the Bible Through

It doesn’t get any more basic than that.  Perhaps it’s been a while since you’ve read the Bible from cover to cover.  Or maybe you’ve never actually made it all the way through.  How many times have you started reading Genesis one on January first but ended up getting bogged down somewhere in Leviticus?

When my middle son, Dale, told me he was going to read two chapters in the Old Testament and two chapters in the New Testament every day, I decided to join him.  It has been so great!  We keep saying things like, “Did you notice verse four?  I don’t remember ever seeing that before.”  For instance, if someone had asked me where we read about the land where the good gold is, I would’ve been surprised to learn that it’s in Genesis two, a chapter I thought I was pretty familiar with.  These little nuggets (ha!) keep popping up as I enjoy reading through the chapters each day.

It seems like reading the Bible through has gotten a bad rap.  While we do need to include digging deep in our personal Bible study, what could be more reviving than making sure our eyes see every word in the Word?

“…Your word has revived me” (Psa. 119:50).

“Revive me, O Lord, according to Your word” (Psa. 119:107)

There are 1,189 chapters in the Bible.  If you read four chapters a day, it will take you 297 days to read the whole inspired Word.  There just happen to be 292 days left in this year!  You could easily double up on the reading for a couple of days (especially with those shorter psalms).  On December 31st, you’ll be able to look back over this past year with satisfaction, knowing that you read the whole Bible from cover to cover!


(Amos Wells)

I supposed I knew my Bible
Reading piecemeal, hit and miss,
Now a bit of John or Matthew,
Now a snatch of Genesis,
Certain chapters of Isaiah
Certain Psalms (the twenty-third!);
Twelfth of Romans, First of Proverbs—
Yes, I thought I knew the Word!
But I found that thorough reading
Was a different thing to do,
And the way was unfamiliar
When I read the Bible through.

You who like to play at Bible,
Dip and dabble, here and there,
Just before you kneel, aweary,
And yawn thro’ a hurried prayer;
You who treat the Crown of Writings
As you treat no other book—
Just a paragraph disjointed,
Just a crude, impatient look—
Try a worthier procedure,
Try a broad and steady view;
You will kneel in very rapture
When you read the Bible through!

Suggestions for the Week:

  1.  If you’re not already on a Bible reading plan, get started today.
  2.  Ask someone to join you.  Not only will this add an accountability factor, it’ll make it even more enjoyable as you share your thoughts with each other.
  3. Pray before and after your reading.  Ask God to open your eyes to His truths and to soften your heart to His will.
  4. Look for opportunities to share what you’re learning!


Image credit:  pinterest




Revive Me, Week 10– “Long for Heaven”

Revive Me, Week 10– A Year of Growing Stronger in the Lord

Long for Heaven

“Are we all just going to stand around in white robes and sing every day forever and ever?”  This young person’s view of Heaven didn’t appeal to him very much.  It certainly didn’t seem like enough of a reward to make him anticipate it.

My reasons for appreciating the hope of Heaven have changed through the years.  As a child, I was scared of going to Hell so Heaven was the safer option.  As I enjoyed the bliss of marriage and motherhood, the idea that Heaven would be even better made me wonder how that could be true.  It must be really grand indeed!  Then as I began to lose grandparents and other loved ones, Heaven became the location of a precious reunion.  And now, now that I’ve lived long enough experience some things, I am strongly drawn to the promise of no fear or suffering.  I’m intrigued by the idea of going without…without darkness, discomfort, disappointment, or death (Rev. 7:15-17; 21:4).

God wants us to long for Heaven.  Our reasons may change through the years, but God in His goodness has given us something to anticipate.  This gift should motivate us.  Consider what awaits the faithful:

  • A home being prepared by the One who loved us enough to die for us (John 14:2-4)
  • New everything (Rev. 21:1)
  • God’s presence and His tender care (Rev. 21:3-5)
  • Nothing evil or false (Rev. 21:27)
  • Eternal life (Matt. 25:46)
  • A city designed and built by God (Heb. 11:10)
  • A changed body (1 Cor. 15:51,52)
  • An unending and perfect inheritance (1 Pet. 1:4)
  • Paradise (Rev. 2:7)

Therefore, do not throw away your confidence, which has a great reward. For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God, you may receive what was promised.

Heb. 10:35,36

Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven…

Matt. 5:12

Suggestions for the week:

  1.  Start each day singing about Heaven:  “Paradise Valley,” “How Beautiful Heaven Must Be,” “Heaven Will Surely Be Worth It All,” “Just Over in the Glory Land,” “I’ll Fly Away,” “Sweet By & By,” “Beulah Land,” “When We All Get to Heaven,” and plenty more.
  2.  End each day with a devotional about Heaven.  Read Scriptures about it, highlight them in yellow, pray about it, and get your children excited about it.  Your week will certainly be great when you begin and end each day with Heavenly thoughts!
  3.  Be intentionally Heaven-minded in your speech, your attitude, and your actions (Col. 3:1,2).
  4. Learn to make Heaven a natural part of your conversation with others.  When you see something lovely in nature–“As beautiful as that is, just imagine how grand Heaven must be!”  When something sad, unfair, or difficult happens–“That’s why we long for Heaven.”  To your wayward loved ones–“I want you to be in Heaven with me.”  And to your husband, your children, your church family– “I can’t wait to spend eternity with you in Heaven!”
