Too Good Not to Share

Enjoy this guest post by Sandy Tipton.

Twenty years or so ago I went to a Mary Kay party at a friend’s house. The seller did a satin hands demo, which I enjoyed immensely, and at the end of the evening I felt compelled to buy the set. The whole thing was an enjoyable, no pressure experience, after which for about 5 minutes I thought that maybe I should sell Mary Kay. I even purchased the $100 start up kit without giving the whole thing much thought.

The kit purchase was quickly followed with a meeting from a Mary Kay selling coach (definitely not the actual label, but you get the idea) who was supposed to be teaching me tips for selling Mary Kay. I became very uncomfortable when she told me to think of every person I’ve Ever Known and make a list of those people so I could reach out to to make connections that could lead to sales.

As I started thinking about all the people I’ve ever known and haven’t spoken to in years and the possibility of me reaching out with hopes of eventually selling Mary Kay, I told my “coach” how uncomfortable that made me, and, “What if people thought I was nice to them just because I was trying to sell something.” And also, I believed sharing the gospel of Christ with people was so much more important than selling Mary Kay, yet I’d never made a list of people to study God’s word with. I’ll never forget what the woman told me. She said, “You can use Mary Kay as your wagon to take Christ to the world.” 😳

(I’m sure someone can actually do that, and I love Mary Kay and my friends who sell it, but in that moment, less than 24 hours after I bought my start up kit, I decided I was Not a salesperson, and no, I was not going to use Mary Kay as my wagon to take Christ to the world).

So. All of that being said. I ask myself 20 something years later, have I indeed done a great job of taking Christ to the world?

This past week I was in my kitchen cooking and the words to a song were going through my head, “…When in the better land before that bar you stand, how deeply grieved our souls will be, if any lost one there should cry in deep despair, you never mentioned Him to me.”

That song haunts me. I’m a people person. I literally LOVE people. I love my friends. I love the baristas at Starbucks. I love my employees. I love the cashiers and waitresses at any random grocery stores/ restaurants. I love people.

But have I shared the most important aspect of my life with them? As an admitted non salesperson, I’m also non pushy (I think… right?) so I think, “I don’t want to push my beliefs on anyone and I think people are good with that.” Lol

Well, something huge happened today that I needed to share…. With Everyone….. At least everyone within driving distance of my Kroger. Kroger has BLUE BELL HALF GALLONS ON SALE FOR 3.77!!!!! I threw away frozen vegetables to make room for SIX cartons!!! I was so excited, and I knew I had to tell EVERYONE, and then I thought about Mary Kay, and the song, and thought, “How can I tell everyone about Blue Bell without telling Everyone about Christ???”

So, here I am. I know Everyone wants Blue Bell, but maybe everyone doesn’t want Christ, and I have major holdups because I think I’m not good enough or prepared enough to share the gospel, BUT I do know exactly what a person needs to do to be saved, and I do know that every single one of us is lost without Christ. It doesn’t matter how big or “small” or pretty or ugly yours/ my sin is. Every single one of us is lost without Christ.

So, go get some Blue Bell from Kroger if you live in Texas and lmk if you want to study the Bible together. I apologize if I’ve never asked you before.

I also apologize if you don’t live in Texas, but we can still study together if you want. Better yet, you can come visit me. I bought six things of Blue Bell, and I’ll share (my waistline will thank you), and we can study together.

(Sandy Tipton lives in Fort Worth, TX, and is Neal’s first cousin.)

The Shots We Don’t Take

By Janelle Pollard

On September 11, 1777, Captain Patrick Ferguson faced a decision that would forever change the course of history. He noticed an American officer in the distance riding on horseback into view. Unbeknownst to this officer, he was mere seconds away from potentially being taken out by the best shot in the British army. However, Captain Ferguson was plagued with guilt at the thought of killing someone without their knowing of the presence of an enemy. He felt that ambushing someone in this way was simply wrong. So before shooting, he yelled at the American officer. At least then, there would be a fair chance. Once the American heard the yell, he rode off, and the British marksman lost his chance. The next day, Captain Ferguson learned that the officer whose life he ultimately spared was none other than General George Washington. Had Captain Ferguson ambushed Washington a day earlier, we can only guess how the American Revolution might have ended.

One decision may seem insignificant at the time, but we never really know how many people it may affect years, or even decades, down the road. 

Marshall Keeble, a gospel preacher born in 1878, made the decision to become a Christian, and that decision went on to impact the lives of thousands. Keeble was reported to have baptized over 20,000 people throughout his ministry. There is no telling how many more souls were saved because of those 20,000+. One of those was a young man named “Randall.” This young man would go on to spread the gospel to some of his co-workers. One of those co-workers was Michael Shank, who would go on to write a book, Muscle and a Shovel, about his conversion, which would lead thousands more to obey the gospel. Without Marshall Keeble making the decision to become a Christian, who knows how many people may have never decided to become a Christian. While it is ultimately up to each person to seek out, find, and obey the gospel, it is also true that we as Christians are commanded to “…go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.” (Mark 16:15) How many lives will be impacted if we decide to obey this command? And worse, how many lives will be affected if we don’t?

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” -Matthew 28:19-20

Revive Me #44–Think Souls

Revive Me, Week 44–A Year of Growing Stronger in the Lord

Think Souls

“Who is God putting in front of you?”  This question was asked by Pam Randall.  She is a soul-winner so when she talks about how to reach others, I want to listen.  She is always involved in a Bible study and usually multiple studies.  She cares about people and wants them to know the Savior.  One time she even struck up a conversation with a stranger in Costco.  That stranger is now our sister in Christ!  How does she do it?  Here are a few of her tips:

  • You can’t wait until you’re good enough.  You just start.
  • Have a plan for soul-winning.  Then you can be ready at any time.  Pam uses the Open Bible Study method.
  • Attach Scriptures to emails, payroll checks, or any other correspondence.
  • Remember you can study anywhere.
  • Be a big respecter of their time and they will invite you back.
  • If you are asked a question you can’t answer, never try to guess it.  Write it down and tell them you’ll get back with them.
  • Send written thank-you notes in the mail.  There’s power in that.
  • Take failure or rejection.  If Christ and the apostles were rejected, why shouldn’t we be?
  • Be slow to be offended.  Try never to offend.
  • Never say, “I think,” or “I believe.”  Let the Word speak.
  • Never put down other religions.
  • Do the Open Bible Study with your children and grandchildren.  Don’t just assume they know it.
  • Go to assisted living homes and show the “Searching for Truth” DVD.
  • Remember that when God sees us trying, He will help us (Ex. 4:11,12).

Pam treats the opportunity to share the Good News as an honor.  She said, “Isn’t this a wonderful thing that we get to do?”  Indeed it is!

Suggestions for the Week:

  1.  Create your soul-winning action plan.  Be prepared for open doors.
  2.  This week ask someone, “Would you like to study the Bible with me?”
  3.  Think souls.  See people as you go about your day.  Smile, interact.

Read it.  Memorize it.  Live it.

Image credit: Michael Hite


One Simple Way to Find Balance

BALANCE– an even distribution of weight enabling someone or something to remain upright and steady; a condition in which different elements are equal or in the correct proportions

As I consider the various areas of my life as a Christian woman, I know I need to keep growing in all aspects (Eph. 4:15).  I need to nurture my relationship with God.  I need to take care of myself physically.  I need to work at being a better wife and mother.  I need to look for ways to reach the lost, help the needy, and encourage others.

Sometimes it’s a real challenge for me to feel “upright and steady” and to keep everything “in the correct proportions.”  I’ll do great at exercising and eating right but find myself neglecting personal Bible study.  I’ll put more concerted effort into my marriage, and then realize it’s been way too long since I’ve had someone in my home or invited someone to worship.   It’s like I forget certain areas while I’m focusing on other ones.

It could be that’s just how my mind works.  I have to write things down to remind myself to do them.  When it comes to finding balance in my Christian walk, I finally came up with the kind of list that actually works for me.  It’s all on one sheet, it’s easy, and it reminds me to “grow in all aspects.”

I’ve hesitated to share this list because I don’t want to give the impression that Christianity is a checklist of good deeds, and as long as I can check everything off my list, I can feel good about myself.  Truly, that’s not what this is about.  Christianity is putting God’s will first and allowing it to affect every area of my life.  But we are commanded to be soul-winners (Mark 16:15), to be benevolent (Matt. 25:34-46), to show hospitality (Rom. 12:13), and to encourage others (Heb. 10:24,25).  It just helps me personally to have a visual reminder of those areas so I can think about ways to live them out each day.

About the list:

  • The first half focuses on daily communication with the Father (Bible study and prayer).
  • The next section focuses on physical health.  I put tally marks down for each glass of water I drink and list the type of exercise I did.  At first I tried to include a space for a food journal, but a.) it took too long to record everything I ate (ha!), and b.) I find that if I’m exercising and drinking plenty of water each day, I end up eating better anyway.
  • Then there’s a place to list the three most prioritized things that need accomplished that day.
  • The final section is really what makes this list work for me.  It simply lists benevolence, hospitality, soul-winning, and encouragement.  It reminds me to do something that falls under one of those categories, and then I’ll write down next to it what I did (like sending a card, making a call or visit, having a family over, putting tracts in the car for distribution opportunities, etc.).  Because one of those areas comes more naturally to me than the others, this section also allows me to see when I’ve been neglecting the ones that push me out of my comfort zone.

To make it a little more fun and feminine, I printed the list off on a variety of pretty papers.  I can choose whichever print strikes my fancy each day.

You might find this list helpful, too (see below).  It’s plain and simple, mainly because I don’t know how to make it look cool and modern.  But you’re more than welcome to use it, and if you know how to make it more appealing, more efficient, or more practical, then please share!

Finding Balance List


Here is a revised list that was sent to me by a reader.  She gave me permission to share it here.  Thank you, Amy Ellis, for the cute and cool version!


*This post can also be found at ImageProxy.mvc

Easy, Practical Ways to Shine this Week

Not only is it Monday, it’s Monday after the time change.  What better time to stand out and make a difference?!  Here’s a little checklist of ways we can shine the Light one day at a time, every day this week.

___ Smile warmly at everyone.  Smile as soon as you see your spouse, your children, neighbors, co-workers, store clerks, teachers, bus drivers, and even the ones who are being inconsiderate.

___Offer sincere compliments.  Thoughtful remarks warm hearts.  Let’s remind others that Christians are kind.  Let’s be the ones who use our speech to brighten someone’s day.  “A compliment is verbal sunshine” (Robert Orben).

___Share the Word somehow.  It can be done naturally.  We can just slip it into routine conversations by saying something like, “That reminds me of a verse I read this morning…”

___Refrain from complaining.  Everyone hears enough of it as it is.  What will happen if we determine to go the entire day without voicing a single complaint?  Those around us will be blessed and so will our own hearts.

___Focus on others.  Maybe this one isn’t all that easy, but what an impact we can make by taking our minds off of ourselves!  I’m tired.  I don’t feel great.  I’ve got a boatload of work to do.  While those thoughts may be true, let’s focus more on everyone around us.  She must be so tired…how can I make her life a little easier?  

A short list is a manageable one.  The things on this list aren’t rocket science, but they sure stand out.  And at the end of each day we won’t regret the forethought and effort it took to look a little more like Christ.

“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven” (Matthew 5:16).

Prayer for Today:  Be with us, Lord, as we look for ways to glorify You.