
You’re already familiar with the options of homeschooling or public schooling.  I recently ran across the term worldschooling.  I imagine it comes from all that can be learned from traveling to different countries.

There are some strong opinions when it comes to how we choose to educate our children.  Some feel that with the worldly philosophies and agendas being pushed in the public school system, homeschooling is the only way to go for Christians.  Others feel that homeschooling can be exclusive and prevents Christians from shining the Light and making a difference in the world.  Still others will opt to send their children to private Christian schools.

My opinion?  Every home and situation is unique.  Just because one choice works best for one family doesn’t mean it will be the wisest choice for another.  Every community and school environment is different.  There are still many that promote wholesome living, true learning, and have teachers that care about integrity and discipline.

We chose homeschooling and I’m glad.  It’s been great to have complete control over curriculum choices, to spend quality time with our sons, and to have the flexibility to travel together on mission trips and to seminars.  But homeschooling is not the perfect safety net in and of itself.  Just because we have chosen to homeschool does not guarantee our children will go to Heaven (I cringe to even type those words).

Homeschoolers can neglect the most important foundation of any education and that is a substantial knowledge of the Word of God.  Homeschoolers can allow worldliness (like materialism, unguarded speech, rebellion, and immoral vices) to creep into the home and influence their children.

Whether public, private, or home, the emphasis of every child’s education needs to be the Word.  And parents, that responsibility solely belongs to us.

Living in the Word and by the Word.  Teaching, memorizing, and sharing the Word.  Learning to love the Word.  Exemplifying the Word.  THIS is what will give our children the very best start on their road to Heaven.  Wordschooling is the only way to go.

All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.

2 Timothy 3:16,17



Exhausted? Maybe It’s Time to Stop Running the Show

Any fellow control freaks out there?  With my sons growing up and going their own way, I’ve found myself struggling more with worry.  My nightly prayers are filled with urgent requests for God to guide and protect my sons.  Why the fear all of a sudden?  I think it’s because I no longer have control.  When the boys were little, I controlled everything…what they ate, when they went to bed, who their pals were.  Now I have to figure out how to let go and truly turn them over to God.  It dawns on me that I should’ve been doing more of that all along.

All this worrying is exhausting.

There’s the good kind of tired that comes from laboring for the Lord.  Then there’s the tired-of-it-all that comes from running ahead of the Lord.

Parenting isn’t the only area that’s effected by the need to control.  If my marriage gets rocky, I need to ask if I’m trying to lead or undermining my husband’s leadership.  If I’m frustrated with my church family, it’s time to do some personal soul searching.  Is my heart guilty of setting a standard for righteousness?  If I’m honest, I’ll recognize what’s at the root of the control problem:

  • Pride.  It gets in the way of acting wisely (Prov. 11:2).
  • Lack of trust.  It assumes that I’m the only one who can get it right (Prov. 26:12).
  • Either ignorance of God’s plan or ignoring God’s plan.  It takes the reigns from the One who knows best (Psa. 18:30).

When I’m overwrought with worry, I need to come down off my high horse.  I’m acting as if I’m in the one in charge of keeping order instead of God.  When I feel anxiety stealing my joy, it’s time to humble myself, let go through prayer, study God’s Word to learn His will, and trust.

Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength…they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.

Isaiah 40:31

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