52 Reasons to Love the Church

#18- Men who Make it Their Business to Serve

By Kathy Pollard

They’re called deacons and, just like our shepherds, they have a special role in the Lord’s church.

Deacons likewise must be men of dignity…holding to the mystery of faith with a clear conscience…let them serve as deacons if they are beyond reproach” (1 Tim. 3:8-10).

I’ve always thought that the men who assume this role are remarkable because they are willing to be servants. I realize that all Christians are to serve (1 Pet. 4:10), but deacons are probably the first to be called on to work in various situations. They’re also usually put in charge of a particular area of service (like fellowship, education, building maintenance, youth, transportation, evangelism, etc.). This requires long-term commitment, patience, humility, and a good attitude about helping others. Deacons give up their own time for all of us!

In addition, their families are often serving right along with them! Their wives and kids help them set up for events, host people in their homes, help plan activities, clean up, make copies, cook food, deliver items, or any number of other things.

Your church bulletin probably includes a list of those who serve as deacons. It could have 8 names or 20. Let’s encourage them this week by thanking them for the essential tasks they carry out in the Lord’s church!

For God is not unjust so as to overlook your work and the love that you have shown for his name in serving the saints, as you still do.

(Hebrews 6:10)

52 Reasons to Love the Church

#17- It’s the Only Thing that Makes Sense

By Kathy Pollard

It’s a grim outlook if you watch the news to see how we’re measuring up as a nation. For the past couple of weeks, I’ve seen several studies-have-shown reports covering such topics as mental/ social/ physical health of children and adults, the education system, anger management, social media, etc. None of them have been positive. Reports are also coming in daily of the latest commodities to experience cost inflation, political scandals, and terrorist activities. I have no idea how accurate what we’re being fed actually is, but I’m not surprised that many around us seem to be affected by it.

Perhaps in your congregation you’ve experienced an increase in people showing up and looking for something. Neal pointed out to me that many of the Bible studies and baptisms here have been young adults from the community. They seem to be searching for solidarity and truth. One young woman even said, “I want to believe. I just don’t know what to believe.” She simply wanted to know about God and the Bible. Another word that keeps coming up from searchers is “community.” People are tired of disconnectedness and superficial relationships. They’re looking for family, support, and a good place to belong.

I imagine every generation thinks the condition of the world during their lifetime is the most ridiculous. Think about what our parents, grandparents, and great grandparents experienced! But no matter what is going on out there, the church stands secure (Daniel 2:44), has a solid foundation (Eph. 2:20), is full of purpose (Eph. 2:10), and is all about community and support (Rom. 12:5). What a contrast to the senselessness around us!

Let’s keep our eyes and hearts open to the souls who are hungering for more than what the world has to offer.

So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone, in whom the whole structure, being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord.

(Eph. 2:19-21)

52 Reasons to Love the church


By Kathy Pollard

‘Home’ is a word that you feel. It is often associated with security, belonging, rest, and love. It seems to me that God blesses us with a home three times over:

  • Our Family Home– We have the one we grow up in and the one we create as adults. If we build them with biblical wisdom, they can be “precious and pleasant” (Prov. 24:3-4).
  • Our Church Home– This household of God is filled with brothers and sisters who love and honor one another (1 Tim. 3:15; Rom. 12:9-10).
  • Our Heavenly Home– The Father’s house is filled with many rooms (John 14:2-3), will last forever (Matt. 6:19-20), and is built by the One who loves us most (Heb. 11:16).

Our family homes aren’t perfect, are they? As much as we love each other, we still experience strife, heartache, and disappointment. Yet our homes are most dear to us, and we do our best to protect and cherish them.

Our church homes aren’t perfect either because they are filled with imperfect people. Sometimes there are personality conflicts and growing pains. But we sure need each other (!), and we thank God for the love and support of our Christian family.

Only our heavenly home will be perfect. As much as we enjoy our special homes here, the best one yet is waiting for us. There will be no tears or disappointments. God is filling it with light, love, rest, peace, and true comfort. That’s what we have to look forward to! HOME.

“In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also.”

(John 14:2-3)

52 Reasons to Love the Church

#15- the Encouragement

By Kathy Pollard

When anyone says anything encouraging to my husband, I want to hug them! It warms my heart when someone tells him his sermon was just what they needed, sends a text saying they are thankful for him, or writes him a note (that he’ll keep in a special file!). He doesn’t preach for praise, but I know that those thoughtful words encourage his soul and keep him going.

I hope you know that when you take a moment to say something kind, it means something. The Bible calls it life-giving (Prov. 18:21).

The Lord’s church is filled with people who know how to build others up, and I see it all the time. I see ladies complimenting each other (and meaning it). I see people going up to the Bible class teachers and thanking them. I see our church mailboxes filled with cards, notes, and small gifts. I see people greeting each other with kind words. It makes me smile to stand in the middle of it all and overhear conversations filled with sweet words, thoughtful questions, and friendly laughter. Where else can you go and be consistently lifted up? God’s people have received His grace and love and are so good at giving it back to His people.

Let’s prayerfully remember:

  • To be aware of and acknowledge the efforts of others to lift us up. How easy it is to brush it off or miss it in our distractedness.
  • To make sure those who are awfully good at encouraging others (you know who they are) are getting it themselves.
  • To thank God for His people and the support they give. They really are the best!

Also remember, if you feel like there’s not enough encouragement going on, you can redouble your own efforts. I’ve said it before…when you feel something is lacking in your church family, the good news is that YOU ARE the church. You can be the change by speaking uplifting words and sending lots of life-giving texts.

Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.

(Ephesians 4:29)

Ollie napping on the couch. This has nothing to do with today’s topic. 🙂

52 Reasons to Love the Church

#14-Examples of Faithfulness

By Kathy Pollard

One of our church members just lost her mother. I overheard Neal’s conversation with her on the phone. He was listening to our member describing her mother’s diligent faithfulness and examples of quiet service. At one point he said, “Her life wrote her funeral sermon.”

I’ve been to funerals where it seemed like people couldn’t say enough good things about the deceased. Stories and tears and smiles were shared as they recalled their loved one’s thoughtful acts or influence or loving spirit.

In Hebrews eleven, the inspired writer gives a long list memorializing men and women whose lives were characterized by faithfulness. He did that to encourage the readers not to give up or turn back. He calls these faithful examples their “great cloud of witnesses” that should spur them on to “run with endurance the race set before them.” And then he tells them to “look to Jesus,” the “perfecter of our faith,” their greatest example of faithfulness (Heb. 12:1-2).

I’m thankful for my own cloud of witnesses, aren’t you? Those who have gone on before me and those who are still with me, whose examples convict me and inspire me. Some have shown me that faithfulness is possible even through overwhelming difficulties or harsh circumstances. Some have inspired me through their diligent service despite physical difficulties or health issues. And many have encouraged me through their lifelong love for God, the faithful legacy they are leaving their children and grandchildren. These individuals remind me of Jesus. They remind me to look to Jesus!

Thank God for faithful Christians!

“Therefore do not throw away your confidence, which has a great reward. For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God you may receive what is promised.”

(Hebrews 10:35-36)

My grandpa, Dale Gillaspie, and Neal’s grandpa, H.E. Mitchell