I’m Ruining Our Children

A couple of weeks ago I sent my husband a pathetic email.  It went something like this:

Dear Neal,

[A long paragraph here about how I think I’m ruining our children.]



You see, that day I was feeling particularly incompetent.  Our youngest son was struggling with one of the questions in his 10th grade grammar book.   I ended up having to tell him, “I’m sorry, I can’t figure it out, either.  Just skip this one.”  You should’ve seen the look on his face.  That wasn’t the first time that has happened, but usually it’s math that has me stumped.  I felt unqualified and unequal to the task.  I wanted to quit.  Thankfully, my husband knew exactly what to say to encourage me and that made all the difference.  He reminded me of the big picture, our end goals, and the fact that I can rely on God for help even when trying to figure out 10th grade grammar.  I’m grateful that I don’t have to be brilliant to homeschool my sons!

Have you ever found yourself unequal to a task?  Do you say no to opportunities because you feel like you’re the wrong person for the job or you’re not good enough?  Perhaps someone asked you for parenting advice and all you can think about is how you’re still trying to figure it out yourself.  Perhaps someone asked you to teach a Bible class, but you’re all too aware of your spiritual weaknesses.  Or perhaps someone asked you to speak about your Christian walk and you feel like a hypocrite because you know you’ve messed up, hurt others, sinned big time.      The truth is perhaps you’re not qualified, but God is.  We can help others because He helps us. We make mistakes and don’t always know what to say or do, but we can rely on God’s wisdom and strength to tackle a task anyway (1 Chron. 16:11; Psa. 31:24; 2 Cor. 12:9,10).   I’m glad I don’t have to be perfectly sinless to shine the Light!

By the way, here was Neal’s reply to my whiney email:

Dear Kathy,

[A long paragraph here filled with sweet encouragement.]



Prayer for Today:  May I never let doubt or discouragement keep me from serving You, Lord.



**This post can also be found at http://proverbs14verse1.blogspot.com/2014/02/wise-woman-linkup_11.html

In Control

Here’s my challenge for the week– to remember I’m in control.

  • I’m in control of how I feel toward others.  If family members, co-workers, or friends “make me mad,” I need to remember that they can’t.  They don’t have the power to do that.  Only I control how I react to the words and actions of others.  I must determine to feel compassionate and patient toward others.
  • I’m in control of my attitude toward authority.  If I resent being told what to do, or if the idea of biblical submission rubs me the wrong way,  perhaps it’s a pride issue.  I will pray for humility and then embrace the opportunity to grow through service and discipline.
  • I’m in control of my mood.  If Mondays bring out the grouch in me,  if I’m not so sweet until I’ve had my coffee, or  if my messy house irritates me, then I’m blaming circumstances for my demeanor.  I alone set the tone for my day.
  • I’m in control of my time.  If I’m having a hard time squeezing in time alone with God, studying His Word, I need to evaluate how I’m spending my time.  I can’t blame my schedule for my lack of discipline.
  • I’m in control of my choices.  I can’t blame others for my sins.  When I mess up, I should fess up.  When I say hurtful things, I can’t excuse myself by accusing someone else.  Only I control whether or not I choose to live this day in a godly or fleshly way.

To help me with this challenge, I’ll try to remember that to control what I say, think, and do, I must give Christ control of my heart (Col. 3:3,4; Gal. 2:20).

Prayer for Today:  Help me rely on Your strength, O Lord, as I turn my heart over to You.



My Button Box

My button box used to be a little chocolate tin.  After I ate the four chocolates inside several years ago, I decided the tin was the perfect size for storing buttons.  For a while I used to refer to it as “the chocolate tin that now holds buttons,” but now I just think of it as “the button box.”  In fact, I only recently remembered that it used to be a chocolate tin.

Isn’t it wonderful that we can change our reputation by changing our character or conduct?  Paul went from being known as a church persecutor to a church planter.  With consistency and a little time, we can change how others think of us.

From sinner to saint.

From gossiper to encourager.

From short-tempered to patient.

From arrogant to humble.

From selfish to thoughtful.

From withdrawn to involved.

Is there something you’d like to be known as?  Would you like to be known as a soul winner or a compassionate person?  Then actively strive today to become how you’d like to be known tomorrow.  Before long, others won’t even remember how you used to be.  They’ll only see you as you are.

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new” (2 Corinthians 5:17).

Prayer for Today:  Thank you, Lord, for your mercy and grace.

This post can also be found at:
