21 Reasons Why I Love Being a Preacher’s Wife

Yesterday Neal and I celebrated our 21st wedding anniversary.  How do I feel after 21 years of being married to a preacher?  Very, very blessed.  And here’s why, in no particular order:

1.  Our coworkers- We work with the best people.  They’re all Christians.

2.  Uplifting events- Gospel meetings, seminars, lectureships, and ladies’ days provide lots of opportunities to get revived, refreshed, & renewed.

3.  Encouragement- Through the years we’ve been given some thoughtful notes.  Sure, we’ve also received some criticism, but who hasn’t?

4.  Prayers on our behalf- Many Sundays involve someone praying, “Please bless our preacher and his family.”

5.  Opportunities for growth- There have been more than a few moments when I’ve been nudged out of my comfort zone.

6.  Hospitality- We’ve enjoyed open hearths and open hearts in all kinds of homes.

7.  Great meals (because of #6)-  🙂

8.  Life events- We share in the lives of others when they get married, give birth, and bury their loved ones.

9.  Compassion- Some of my stumbles and goofs have been pretty public.  I’m grateful for the patience and love we’ve been given.

10.  My sons’ role model- Their dad is a preacher who always speaks highly of the Lord and His church.

11.  Mission trips- We don’t have to take time off from work; it IS our work.

12.  Fellowship- I can never get enough.

13.  Kindred spirits- I love the instant bond that forms when meeting other preachers’ wives.

14.  Support- The church family is so good about being there through thick and thin.

15.  Elders- God bless them for their labor of love.  They have the best hearts and make the best bosses.

16.  Baptisms- We rarely have to miss them.  Day or night, we can stop what we’re doing and head to the building.

17.  Preachers- We get to be around them, and get to know them.  We sure like them!

18.  Bible studies- I’ll never get tired of seeing the Truth work on the hearts of genuine searchers.  Joy and tears.

19.  People- We’re with all kinds…working, struggling, sharing, caring, learning, growing.  It’s what our job is all about.

20.  Friends for eternity- There are so many that we’ve met and loved through the years, and we never have to say goodbye.

21.  My husband- He studies, prays, leads, and puts God first.  What’s more attractive than a man with an open Bible?

Prayer for Today:  Thank you, Lord, for my preacher, for Your church, and for the blessings you shower upon all of Your children.  

Gospel meeting in West Palm Beach

Author: Kathy Pollard

I'm a Christian woman, happily married to my best friend, Neal. We have 3 grown sons, Gary, Dale, and Carl, and 3 sweet daughters-in-law, Chelsea, Janelle, and Emily. Neal preaches for the Lehman Ave. church of Christ in Bowling Green, KY. We love the Lord and His church!

20 thoughts on “21 Reasons Why I Love Being a Preacher’s Wife”

  1. Thank you for being so supportive to your husband. I know preaching and being an elder is one of the least jobs that people appreciate. The work is long and often draws you away from your family. So often we don’t see the benefits of our labor but it’s our job to plant the seed and to water and leave to God for the growth. Sometimes it might take years for that seed to grow but when it does it’s like watching a flower bursting out to bloom for the first time and there is nothing like it. Even today even tho I have seen many baptisms it still brings a tear to my eye to see a new child of God come up out of that water and I pray that I never stop feeling that feeling. God bless you and your wonderful husband. I thoroughly enjoy reading the articles both you and Neil writes it has been a great blessing to me and I often take them and share them with others to enjoy as well. I hope and pray that someday I will get to listen to Neil preach and to meet you as well. In Christian love, Ken


  2. It is so refreshing to hear someone talk about the joy we can find in the church! We must never forget how great it is to have a wonderful Savior and church family! Thank you so much!


  3. Thanks so much for the great article Kathy! I have not been married 21 years but 5 years, but they have been the BEST 5 years! My husband is currently in school at SWSBS. I can say with all my heart that I am so happy in the decision that he has made to be a preacher. We are already experiencing so much of this. What a blessing to just be a Christian! I am so glad to hear the love that you have for your husband and for our Father. I pray for many more wonderful years for you and Neal!


  4. Thanks for this. Sometimes there is much negativity that is faced as a PW. It’s nice to be reminded why we love being a PW!


  5. Thanks for this article. I’m gathering material for a preacher wife’s class. I plan on sharing this to them. It is nice to be able to present a positive side to being a preacher’s wife. You want them to be prepared but there are so many blessing to enjoy. Again thanks!


  6. Thanks for the thoughts that made me remember how blessed I am that I am a preacher”s mother! I am blessed beyond words………………. 🙂


  7. Great post Kathy. Preacher’s wives need encouragement just like everyone. As with preaching, the good outweighs the bad by so much, yet some only dwell on the negative.


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